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Thursday, 20 December 2012

USE TO (habits in the past) _ Exercise 2

Express habits in the past using the verbs in the list below:

not like - write - play - ride - come - not complain - suffer - not go - be - suck

  1. When I was young, I ---------------------- shopping with my mum.
  2. Before someone broke his leg ---------------------- very well.
  3. During the 2nd world war people ---------------------- from poverty and starvation.
  4. When she was at school, she always ---------------------- the 1st.
  5. In childhood, he ---------------------- very shy.
  6. -------------- you ------------------------- horses when you were in the countryside?
  7. Years ago, she ---------------------- whenever her mother asked her to do the Housework.
  8. ---------------------- your father ---------------------- poems?
  9. ---------------------- dogs especially in my adolescence.
  10. When I was a tiny-tot, I ---------------------- my thumb.


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